Learn Biblical Leadership Principles

Equip Yourself with Practical Ministry Training

A woman sits at a table, reading a book while enjoying a cup of coffee, creating a serene and cozy atmosphere.
Become an Effective Church Leader

In the Ministry Track, you will explore various areas of ministry to uncover your unique passion and gifting, guided by principles of leadership and the Bible. This journey will help you discover your role and understand where God is calling you to serve. The track combines elements of our Leadership Track with ministry-specific training, allowing you to apply biblical leadership skills in your unique context.

For Individuals
For Churches

Ministry Track Benefits

Unlock your potential and discover your calling with our church leadership training. Prepare to lead effectively and serve your community with purpose and confidence.

Explore Ministry

The Ministry Track offers training for ministry in a safe environment, designed to introduce you to various types of ministry. This exploration is essential for discovering your role in leadership in the church and understanding where God is calling you to serve.

Character Development

While skills are important, character is what sustains effective church leadership. The Ministry Track focuses on developing Christ-like character, drawing from Christian leadership books and teachings on how to lead like Jesus.

Spiritual Guidance

Our experienced instructors provide spiritual guidance to help you identify your unique gifts and function within the ministry. In addition, you'll receive practical next steps tailored to your ministry calling, ensuring you're prepared for impactful service.

Ministry Track Courses

Equip yourself for effective ministry leadership with courses focused on biblical principles, practical skills, and spiritual growth. Learn from experienced instructors and gain hands-on experience to prepare for your calling in the church and community.

Emotional Intelligence & Time Management

In this course, you’ll take an assessment to learn how well you emotionally connect with others, discover your potential blind spots, and learn ways to manage and structure your time and grow in leadership.

Being An Ideal Team Player

In this course, you'll learn how to be an ideal team player and how to become humble, hungry, and smart in your leadership. You will learn how to clothe yourself with humility so you can practice servant leadership.

Group Dynamics

In this course, you will learn how to understand the five dysfunctions of a team. Once you understand these dysfunctions, you will be able to identify them and change the culture of your team through effective communication tools.

Leadership Character

In this course, you will discover the importance of godly character in your leadership. Your skills have the ability to elevate you, but character is what keeps you there.

Leadership Priorities

In this leadership course, you will learn how to manufacture healthy, sustainable habits and priorities, and prioritize your essential responsibilities. 

Leadership That Lasts

In this course, you will discover that many leaders start, but few finish well. This course is designed to help you identify the ten most common mistakes that leaders make and then learn effective practices to help you avoid these pitfalls in your leadership.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

In this course, you’ll understand that it is impossible to become spiritually mature without first becoming emotionally mature. We will discuss how to develop a rule of life to help manage your routines to foster spiritual development.

Managing Leadership Anxiety

In this leadership class, you will learn how anxiety, grief, background, and family, affect your mental health and ultimately your leadership. When you understand the source of your anxiety, you can then learn ways to help you in these situations.


In this course, you will learn to identify and set healthy boundaries that are essential for personal life and ministry. Instead of falling into the trap of many leaders, feeling the need to have all the answers, you will learn to identify your core values in order to be empowered to set the boundaries needed to thrive.

Theology Basics

In this course, you will gain a basic overview of these complex subjects. As a Christian leader, either in ministry or the marketplace, it is essential for you to have a basic understanding of what the Bible says about life and leadership.

Developing Your Spiritual Practices

In this course, you will have a safe environment where you can learn to connect with God in real and tangible ways. Spiritual practices are so important, as they allow you to connect with God in new interactive ways, enabling you to become more like him. This will allow you to reflect his character to those you lead.

Empowerment of The Holy Spirit

In this course, you will learn to be empowered by the Holy Spirit through a partnership with God rather than a reliance on independence to produce life changes within and for others.

Lead Year Two Courses

Crucial Conversations

Gain effective models for influential communication and crucial conversations. Relationships are difficult, and conversations can be hard. This course will provide you with tools and communication skills needed to navigate difficult conversations with those you lead.

Effective Communication

Explore the art of storytelling as a leader. Jesus was the ultimate example of storytelling in leadership to effectively impact lives. This course will teach you the skills needed for telling great stories; better equipping you to cast vision and create a culture for those you lead.

The Power of Moments

Learn the power of life's high and low moments in this leadership course. As a leader, you need to understand the importance of strategic moments for individuals and your organization and key concepts of making a meaningful moment to create impactful experiences for those you lead.

The Vision Driven Leader

Learn how to discover a vision for your leadership context, and how to communicate it to others. Vision is all about hearing God’s voice in your future direction and then painting a picture for those you lead to follow.


Learn to solve problems proactively rather than reactively in this leadership development course. At the completion of this course, you will know effective problem solving skills and processes to tackle the problems you will encounter in your leadership context.

Strategic Thinking

Learn proven processes to help you make wise and strategic decisions; positively impacting every aspect of your leadership and personal life.


Establish essential behaviors that will empower you to thrive in your leadership; gaining skills to help you evaluate your time and energy. You will discover your core responsibilities and what is truly essential.

Atomic Habits

Learn to create and, most importantly, sustain healthy habits for your life over a long methodical journey; improving incrementally every day. This course is all about building habits at a pace that is consistent and sustainable.

Peak Performance

Discover healthy levels of stress and appropriate amount of rest necessary to perform at your peak level, in a fast-paced, stressful culture. This course will help you identify where you are unhealthy and teach you the necessary routines needed for effective leadership.

Leading Change

Study the process of change in the lifespan of an organization in this leadership course. Instead of exclusively viewing change through a logical framework, the course will focus on the emotional framework of change management; better equipping leaders to navigate change in their organization.

Redemptive Leadership

Understand the redemptive leadership model and what sets this apart from popular leadership models. Redemptive leaders must move from an external motivation, that is primarily; goal, activity, and accomplishment driven; to internal motivation, unlocking your true purpose and meaning as a leader.

Extraordinary Leadership

Learn to utilize exemplary leadership practices to make extraordinary things happen, regardless of your position within your organization. You will learn how to model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart.

Ministry Year One Courses

Leadership Structure

You are going to gain an understanding of the various leadership structures of the local church. This will allow you to identify styles, leadership steps, and leadership roles outlined in Scripture.

Pastoral Leadership

Explore how a pastor leads subversively and effectively and learn the biblical job description of a pastor and how it connects to being a shepherd.

Discipleship & Mentoring & Coaching

We will talk about the difference between discipleship, mentoring, and coaching; how they are defined and how to implement them in our ministry.

Ministry to Families & Children

Parents sometimes erroneously believe that it is the church’s responsibility to disciple their children. In this course, you will learn different tools and resources to empower parents to succeed in the discipleship of the next generation.

Ministry to Families & Students

Parents tend to believe that it is the church’s responsibility to disciple their students. In this course, you will learn different tools and resources to empower parents to succeed in the discipleship of the next generation.

Millennial & Gen Z Leadership

Learn how to connect with Millennials and Gen Z, in the digital age in which we now live alongside a variety of methods to instruct and disciple these generations in a way they both value and understand.

Public Speaking & Sermon Preparation

Explore the key elements of an effective speech and the difference between being a good speaker and an effective teacher of the Bible. Often there is separate training on this topic but this course will combine them and teach you that both are essential to be effective.

Worship & Creative

Learn the creative process behind developing an effective worship service; discovering key elements necessary for a cohesive worship experience, including creative planning, graphic and video design, music, production, and technology.

Leading Spiritual Growth

Learn to measure and extend your discipleship, and development throughout the life of a congregation; to pastor, shepherd, mentor, and coach individuals to help them be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and eventually do what Jesus did.

Organizational Leadership

Learn practical principles of organizational leadership and gain insights into how to engage and lead high-capacity leaders. This course will give you insight into church leadership's structural and practical aspects.

Personal Financial Management & Planning

Discover basic financial management practices for your personal life and ministry. No matter what ministry context you are called to, you will have to steward what God has entrusted you with, based upon biblical standards.

Ministry Calling & Gifting

Identify your primary areas of interest in ministry, explore your calling, and receive guidance in the areas of your passion and gifting.

Ministry Year Two Courses

Developing Your Leadership Timeline

In this course, you will learn the phases of a leader's life and see how God has been developing you throughout your journey. You will discover where you are on your leadership timeline and gain clarity on where God could potentially lead you in your leadership.

Personal Ministry Philosophy

Learn components of your personal ministry philosophy and how this is different and unique from others. God gave you that philosophy and He wants you to minister through it. This course will allow you to examine your internal core beliefs and actions so you can articulate them to yourself and those you lead.

Creating Your Ministry Legacy

Use your leadership timeline and ministry philosophy to create a vision for your future ministry journey. All Christian leaders want to leave something behind that influences people to positive change, leading people towards Christ. This course will help you identify what you want to be known for and show you how to invite God to create the legacy you desire.

Biblical Leadership Models

Discover God’s shaping work in the lives of Moses, David, Paul, and Jesus. Learning from these biblical leaders will empower you to see how God is working in your life. You will assess the health of your soul and discover practices to introduce space into your life in order to hear God’s voice. Finally, you will learn the essential functions and responsibilities of a spiritual leader.

God's Shaping Work

Discover how God is shaping your heart through culture, calling, and community; healthy and effective ways to engage with the culture in which God has placed you. God utilizes the relationships of community to develop your heart as a leader.

Transformative Leadership

Learn about the five offices and functions of leadership within the church as described in Ephesians 4:11. Leadership teams missing these essential roles are hindered from truly representing Jesus to the church and community.

The Five Roles & Functions of Church Leadership

Learn about the five offices and functions of leadership within the church as described in Ephesians 4:11. Leadership teams missing these essential roles are hindered from truly representing Jesus to the church and community.

Discovering Your Role & Function

Discover your unique God-given role and function within church leadership. This understanding will empower you to minister more effectively in the future and set you free to be exactly who God created you to be.

Building A Balanced Leadership Structure

Employ practical strategies to help others mature in their faith by utilizing development tools and creating a culture that values diversity of leadership.

The Heart & Head of a Servant Leader

In this course, you will learn how a servant leader should think and care for the people they lead. To lead like Jesus, we must learn as much as we can about how He interacted with God and people, enabling us to meaningfully encounter Him and others.

The Hands & Habits of a Servant Leader

In this course, you will discover essential habits needed to serve others well. To lead like Jesus, we must lead from a place of humility; serving as Jesus did. When we follow His example, we truly guide people closer to God’s heart.

Leading Like Jesus

In this course, you will employ practical strategies to help others mature in their faith through Jesus' example of servant leadership. You will learn to be a leader who exalts God and rejects the ideas of self- sufficiency and dependence upon self.

Starting at $225 per Course

Gain essential ministry skills with our pay-as-you-go model.
Leadership Track Courses: $125 each, Ministry Track Courses: $225 each
View Pricing
A diverse group of individuals gathered around a table, engaged in discussion with an open Bible in front of them.

Comprehensive Ministry Benefits

Gain a biblical foundation for leadership
Real-world ministry experience
Personalized guidance in your ministry calling
Build a supportive network
Develop practical ministry leadership skills
Apply Now
Arrow Left for testimony
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CLI’s Ministry Track laid the foundation for my ministry leadership and gave me the confidence to step into vocational ministry as a campus pastor. I have a greater awareness of what God is doing in my own life and in the lives of the people I have the privilege of leading.
CLI’s Ministry Track laid the foundation for my ministry leadership and gave me the confidence to step into vocational ministry as a campus pastor. I have a greater awareness of what God is doing in my own life and in the lives of the people I have the privilege of leading.
CLI’s Ministry Track laid the foundation for my ministry leadership and gave me the confidence to step into vocational ministry as a campus pastor. I have a greater awareness of what God is doing in my own life and in the lives of the people I have the privilege of leading.
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A smiling man with a beard wearing a blue shirt, exuding warmth and friendliness in his expression.
Julian Valbuena
Definition Church - Español Pastor
CLI has changed me over the past year. It helped me discover what my strengths and passions. I was doing a lot of different things that I enjoyed, but this process helped me figure out how to combine my passions and strengths to be effective in ministry. CLI helped me narrow down my focus by teaching me to say "no" to things that are good but don't benefit me and say "yes" to the things that matter.
CLI has changed me over the past year. It helped me discover what my strengths and passions. I was doing a lot of different things that I enjoyed, but this process helped me figure out how to combine my passions and strengths to be effective in ministry. CLI helped me narrow down my focus by teaching me to say "no" to things that are good but don't benefit me and say "yes" to the things that matter.
CLI has changed me over the past year. It helped me discover what my strengths and passions. I was doing a lot of different things that I enjoyed, but this process helped me figure out how to combine my passions and strengths to be effective in ministry. CLI helped me narrow down my focus by teaching me to say "no" to things that are good but don't benefit me and say "yes" to the things that matter.
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A woman with curly hair and glasses smiles warmly, exuding a sense of joy and friendliness in her expression.
Hannah Mould
Child Trauma Specialist Coordinator at Guilford County Family Justice Center
CLI has had an incredible impact on my life. It has produced confidence in me that I didn't know was there. I now have confidence that God is going to do all that he has promised to do in my life. I have seen it come to pass in front of my eyes.
CLI has had an incredible impact on my life. It has produced confidence in me that I didn't know was there. I now have confidence that God is going to do all that he has promised to do in my life. I have seen it come to pass in front of my eyes.
CLI has had an incredible impact on my life. It has produced confidence in me that I didn't know was there. I now have confidence that God is going to do all that he has promised to do in my life. I have seen it come to pass in front of my eyes.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A smiling man with glasses and a beard, exuding warmth and friendliness in a casual setting.
Mike Fritts
Pastor - Definition Church

Ministry Track Instructors

Our instructors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in leadership. They desire to guide you to be a healthy leader in a variety of roles and environments.

Dr. Eric Freeman

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D.Min, M.Div, B.A.
A man in a graduation gown delivers an inspiring speech at a graduation ceremony.

Dr. Rodney Cooper

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Ph.D., Th.M., B.A., M.A
A man wearing glasses and a blue shirt smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Dr. Allen Holmes

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D.Min, M.Div, B.A.
A man wearing glasses and a black shirt stands in front of a bookcase filled with books.

Dr. Reggie McNeal

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Ph.D., M.Div, B.A.
A man wearing a striped shirt stands in front of a lush green park, enjoying the outdoors.

Rick Raiford

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M.Div, M.B.A., B.S.
A woman with long hair wearing a pink shirt, smiling and standing against a neutral background.

Louisa Brown

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B.A., M.S./EdS
A smiling man with a beard wearing a blue shirt, exuding warmth and friendliness in his expression.

Jonathan Stutts

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M.Div, B.S.
A man in a blue shirt smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Steve Rozema

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A man wearing a plaid shirt smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Parker Jones

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A woman with brown hair wearing a green jacket stands confidently, showcasing her stylish and vibrant appearance.

Kim Crawford

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A man in a white shirt smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Jeffrey Karnes

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A smiling man with glasses and a beard, exuding warmth and friendliness in a casual setting.

Dave Kraft

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Discover Your True Purpose

Unlock your God-given potential with CLI's free "Know Your Purpose" guide. Learn practical steps to identify your unique gifts, build leadership skills, and find clarity in your journey. Sign up below to receive your free resource today and start living with purpose.

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A woman wearing a beanie and jacket is holding a laptop, appearing focused and engaged in her work.